Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lessons From a Norwegian Berry-picker

Lesson #1: Eat lunch before picking. For me this was two-fold. I needed a container to store the berries, thus my lunch container needed to be emptied. It also kept me from putting the berries into my mouth rather than into the cup.

Lesson #2: Have no shame. In August, this rule doesn't apply. There are berries everywhere, and a harvester can simply reach down at any point along the trail and grab a few. In September, the game changes. In a popular area like Sognsvann, many bushes are swept by people in August, leaving little for the late-comers. In September, the picker MUST be on hands and knees if they want to be successful. I can assure you that people will stare.

Lesson #3: Choose your bathroom area wisely. If "nature calls," make sure you go in an area you have already picked. You are bound to see berries in the squatting position, in fact, some say that provides the best angle. Trust me, it is awfully disappointing to realize that your bathroom is the richest berry area of the day.

Lesson #4: Wear long sleeves. Blueberries like damp shady places. Mosquitos like damp shady places. You do the math.

Lesson #5: Keep an eye on the clock. A Norwegian forest is like a casino. If you don't have a watch, you could be trapped there for the rest of your life. The sun sets late, and the evening glow lasts for hours. It is easy to be entranced by berry-picking!

Lesson #6: Make the most of your hard work!

Museli with fresh blueberries
Apple-Blueberry Crisp

1 comment:

  1. Katie, your trip sounds amazing so far! And I am very jealous of your fresh berry-picking ;)
    Look forward to hearing more about your trip!
