Monday, March 28, 2011

Guest Spot: Jan Havlas

I met Jan this August at the beginning of Fall semester at the University of Oslo. We were organized together in a "Buddy Group" set up to allow international students to get to know one another. In addition to having a class together, Jan and I traveled to Bergen with a handful of other international students in October. Jan also kept a blog while he was in Norway- it is written mostly in Czech but, as he reminded me more than once, Google Translator is a beautiful thing. You can find it here.

Where is your home university?
I study cartography at Masaryk Univeristy, in Brno, the second largest city in Czech Republic. 

Why did you choose Norway?
Norway was the best choice due to the limited choices from my department. I wanted to study English and Norway was the only suitable place. Nature and sports are a part of my lifestyle and Norway is simply the best in such things. 

What were your expectations before you went abroad?
Academic benefit is for sure an important part of study abroad. Independence (to be able to care for myself) and life experience in a  foreign country (multicultural benefits and a wider scope) were my highest expectations before I went abroad. I can't forget to mention improving language skills, traveling and making new friends! 

What were the biggest challenges for you? What surprised you the most?
Surprisingly, it was quite easy to care for myself in a foreign country and to balance some kind of "culture shock." The biggest challenge was to organize my time so that I didn't miss all the things I wanted or had to do, like school, socializing, events, sports, traveling, etc. I have never lived in such a "hurry" before. I was surprised by how fast the time went.

What was the biggest lesson that you got out of your time in Norway?
I have no doubt what it is- my stay abroad taught me to live more active than I was used to living before. Opportunities have to be taken and "shaken." It taught me to be active, live active.

What suggestions would you have for people who are thinking about studying abroad?
I have just one. Just go study abroad! It doesn't even matter where. Don't hesitate. It is going to turn into priceless life experience!

Any other comments?
Norway is a paradise for those who search for sports, nature and the balance with human being. If you are in search for high socializing or high culture, go a bit more south (Spain, for example), although Oslo isn't weak even in that stuff. 

Thank you, Jan!

What is this "Guest Spot" thing? You can find the introduction to the project here.

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