Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Night at the Opera

For my birthday, I was given the generous gift of a show of my choice at the Oslo Opera House. I took myself out to the theater tonight to redeem my birthday present. I was really lucky to go to a show in this beautiful venue. The Opera House opened in August 2008 after almost a decade of construction. It was awarded the World Cultural Building of the Year in 2008 and the European Union's Prize for Contemporary Architecture in 2009. It sits right on the harbor and the unique architectural design and slanted walkways make it appear as if it is coming out of the water. In the snow-free months, visitors are able to walk all over the building, including the roof! When I was there in September, there were sculptures scattered along the sloping roof tops that visitors could interact with. This building is much more than a venue.
I saw "Bewitched- With a Magic Wand in the Opera." The show was geared towards children, which was perfect since my Norwegian language skills are at the child-level. Plus, theater is always more fun when the majority of the audience is excited kids! The play was not the American 1960's Bewitched story line, but a tale of a classroom full of kids who get a first-hand lesson about opera through a spell-casting witch of a substitute teacher. They are transported into the world of opera and have to find a way to return Susanna to Figaro (en frisør, the barber, of Seville). It was a great show, complete with a Norwegian-sweater-wearing giant and a flying witch!

Thanks Chris and Charlie! It was a generous and much appreciated gift!


  1. Our pleasure, Happy 21st Birthday Katie. oxo, C&C

  2. Happy Birthday Katie! When was it? Sounds like a wonderful experience.
