Saturday, November 20, 2010

Simple Saturday

Skies were gray, but the fantastic library on campus brought light to the day. I spent my morning studying for an impending Geology exam, catching up on assignments, and finalizing upcoming travels (stay tuned for an upcoming trip to Scotland and the much anticipated Christmas in London).
I returned home to a fantastic package from home! Thank you, thank you! There is nothing like tea, newspaper clippings, books, and pens from the bank to make you feel comforted. 

I'm entering exam season, so school will be foremost on my mind for the next few weeks. I'm stunned how fast this semester has gone by, and I'm glad that I have committed to staying the whole year. I am not ready to go back yet. I still have a lot to learn and experience, and although jumping into a whole year may have seemed a bit daunting at the time, I need the whole year to really live here. I'm so fortunate that I've had the support from those around me about my decision to do so! That includes my school, my team (who are working their tails off! Keep it up, ladies!), my family, and my partner in crime. Thank you! How did I end up with such a great support system? I'm one lucky lady.

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